Feeling broken by life?

This is for anyone who might be feeling broken by life lately~



These continual hardships are creating an impenetrable inner strength within you, that no matter what blows your way later on, no matter what arrows anyone sends in your direction, no matter what unexpected challenge lands in your lap-You. Will. Be. Unshaken. Because you’ll know, if you could be broken, crushed, and slammed with as much as you have, as many times as you have, nothing will be able to take away your inner resilience.

 Let these hardships keep creating an inner infrastructure in you, and an unwavering inner momentum that is preparing you to one day be propelled into your destiny.  You will become an unshakable force to be reckoned with, as you eventually chase your purpose that will come from all this pain.  Keep going. You’ll land on your feet once again, like you always do.

So much love to you and your hurting heart. You will come out the other side, stronger than ever.



Prints can be found in the collection Definition Prints & Cards.