Where to unexpectedly find clarity

Does life have you in a spot where clarity just doesn’t seem possible? Do you feel you’re “going in circles” with some issue only to come back around with another empty answer? Sometimes this is a life lesson of learning to “accept what we can not change,” but other times, this is our higher self’s wisdom at work, trying to nudge, or possibly give us a huge push towards going onto an off-beaten path. A path that is unfamiliar, possibly unconventional, and more likely than outside our comfort zones.

This might require us to release, and even possibly grieve the other paths we desperately wanted to work for us, or perhaps seem to work well for others, so we hoped it would work for us too. It might require us to choose a path that is less palatable for our ego’s desires and for others’ approval of us, because sometimes what is preventing us from finding the solutions we seek isn’t even the actual issue we see as our biggest obstacle to finding clarity. Sometimes the biggest obstacle is our own ego trying to force the solution to fit into a box we can make sense of more, logically explain, or that we think others could accept and understand better, but a lot of times, the clarity and answers we seek are not found in what is already known by us, but in the unknown.

Perhaps it’s time to gently take our fear by the hand and go down that off-beaten path we would’ve never considered going down until all the other paths came up empty. The answers we are seeking are also seeking us. They just might be down a path we never would’ve considered traveling, but traveling down the less traveled road might actually make all the difference.




Print can be found in the collection Inspirational & Quote Prints.