You’re a beautiful human

The beauty of being human is that we are each unique, complex, and intricate beings. Full of light sides, dark sides, and plenty of gray in between. As we make space to accept all these sides of ourselves we become more self-aware and able to show up in the world more whole, more conscious and more in tune with ourselves and others. This is how the best versions of ourselves are able to emerge, as we learn to accept and realize we are still worthy of love with all the good, the bad, and the ugly sides of ourselves. Ironically too, as we begin to accept these different sides of who we are with love and compassion, this begins to not only free ourselves up but will also begin to free up others too. Because as much room as we have created for all our own varied sides will also be the amount we can begin to make more room for others to share their many sides too. Embrace all your sides. It’s what makes you such a beautiful human.




Print and card found in the collections Inspirational & Quote Prints and Encouraging cards.